Tartan H
Tartan H
Henry Clan Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Henry Henri, originally Henri Henry, originally Henri French gave a name introduced in England through the Normans in 1066. Its origins are Germanic and come coming from Heinrich's name is comprised of the elements Heim, which means "home" as well...
Hepburn Ancient Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
The Hepburn surname is derived from Hepburn also known as Hebbe Bastle, Chillingham, Northumberland in Northumberland, where families named after it was discovered in the latter half of the 13th century. The Hepburns of Scotland were described as a 'long-lived and...
Hibernian Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Hibernian FC was formed in 1875, and within the span of 80 years, it had grown from the slums that were overcrowded to Edinburgh's Cowgate to become an initial British club to take part in the European Cup in 1955....
Heather Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
In light of the increasing popularity of traditional weddings in the Highlands, biznimart has created this tartan to accommodate those who aren't necessarily looking to wear the tartan of their family but also to accommodate others in the wedding party...
Hardie Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
The ancestors of one of the first families who used the Hardie name Hardie resided in the earliest times of Scotland within the realm of Dalriada. The name was employed as a nickname for a brave individual. The surname Hardie...
Harper Clan Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Harper originates directly from Dalriada in the past of Scotland. The name was used to describe someone who was in the position of "harper". In the past, the harper was considered to be a significant figurehead and the Brehon laws...
Heriot Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
The name Heriot was first recorded in Midlothian in Midlothian, where they had the seat of their family since beginning times. They also owned the land of Heriot and were located in the area as early as. 1164 in the...
Huntly District Modern Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
It is believed that the Huntly district tartan said as being worn around the period of the '45 revolt in the '45 rebellion by Brodies, Forbes, Gordons, MacRaes, Munros, and Rosses which is clear evidence of the more ancient nature...
Highland Cathedral Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Highland Cathedral was written as an original pipe tune in 1982 by German musicians Ulrich Roever and Michael Korb who were reportedly writing it for the Highland game in Germany. The song's popularity has grown over the last two decades...
Heritage Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Tartan is a long-standing tradition. The first known tartan from Scotland can be traced back to the fourth or third century AD. In other regions of the world, tartan has been discovered dating back up to 3000 BC. Nearly everywhere you...
Hepburn Muted Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
The Hepburn surname is derived from Hepburn also known as Hebbum Bastle, Chillingham, Northumberland in Northumberland, where families named after it was discovered in the latter half of the 13th century. The Hepburn's of Scotland were described as a 'long-lived...
Henderson Muted Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
In the 14th and 15th centuries, the name was discovered throughout Scotland. They are the Hendersons from Glencoe assert that they been in this glen prior to the arrival of the MacDonalds and claim that the ancestor to MacDonalds MacDonalds had...
Historic CaleDonia Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Caledonia is a well-known tartan dating from the 18th century. It is available in many different forms. Romantic stories are often told of the origins of the tartan, but it is not well-known. But due to usage and use the...
Hebridean Granite Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Celts were the predominant population in Scotland in the Hebrides were occupied by Vikings from 700 to the year 900 AD and finally came under the control of the Norse around 1098. In the end, there are influences from both cultures,...
Highland Peat Herringbone Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Peat is an iconic English design that features herringbone patterns. It is perfect if you wish to achieve that classic, elegant style. The color of Highland Peat Herringbone Tartan includes Red, Black, and Yellow Lines.This tartan pattern will make your clothes...
Hadrian Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Hadrian is one of the Roman emperors between 117 and his death in 138. His birthplace was in the Italo-Hispanic family, who moved to Spain after fleeing to the Italian city of Atri situated in Picenum. The Color of Hadrian...
Highland Heather Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
The Scottish Heather is a known symbol representing Scotland The versatile and gorgeous flower is perfectly designed for the rugged and wild Scottish hills. The meaning of this symbol is believed to come from an ancient Scottish story in which...
Hebridean Salmon Herringbone Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Celts were the predominant population in Scotland in the Hebrides were occupied by Vikings from 700 to the year 900 AD and finally came under the control of the Norse around 1098. In the end, there are influences from both cultures,...
Hebridean Loch Herringbone Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Celts were the predominant population in Scotland in the Hebrides were occupied by Vikings from 700 to the year 900 AD and finally came under the control of the Norse around 1098. In the end, there are influences from both cultures,...
Hebridean Lights Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Celts were the predominant population in Scotland in the Hebrides were occupied by Vikings from 700 to the year 900 AD and finally came under the control of the Norse around 1098. In the end, there are influences from both cultures,...
Hebridean Glisk Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Celts were the predominant population in Scotland in the Hebrides were occupied by Vikings from 700 to the year 900 AD and finally came under the control of the Norse around 1098. In the end, there are influences from both cultures,...
Hebridean Sunrise Tartan Heavyweight 16oz
Celts were the predominant population in Scotland in the Hebrides were occupied by Vikings from 700 to the year 900 AD and finally came under the control of the Norse around 1098. In the end, there are influences from both...